Халява Perfect Checker - BAS Source Code



This source code is one of the bigger projects I have personally developed myself. This is a PERFECT Checker for working with malware logs that will check ANY cookie data for ANY domain - ALSO has a built in brute force checker that will check combo lists based on your provided URL in settings .

5 Featured Work Modes :
Stealer Logs
Cookie Checker
Brute Force Checker
File Manager ( Didn't Finish It )
Manual Mode

Tired of trying to find valid configs or configs with captures?
What about if your sick of website security and having to bypass things like Recaptcha, akami, cloudflare etc?

My software offers 5 various featured "Work Modes"

Making this the perfect All-In-One resource when it comes to working with stealer logs. It is still in beta testing as features are still being developed.

1.) 📌 Log Folder -
This work mode allows users to have the option for each thread to load all the cookies from each individual folder and apply all the proper settings from the User Information text from inside stealer logs. Then each thread will detect the URLs from the Passwords.txt files and attempt each captured login.
2.) 📌 Cookie Checker -
Loads your specific cookies based on your request and checks them for valid session data. Upon valid data, it will capture and parse the information that you specificy using either Element ID, Text, X Path or Class from the URL Page.
3.) 📌 Brute Force-
Loads the Passwords.txt files from various stealer logs and goes to each URL and uses the corresponding Username:Password to brute force the Sign-in element on each website
4.) 📌 Manual Mode -
Works off of work mode 2 - except at the end of each valid hit, allows you to control each session for automatic hitting or parsing of specific requested credentials
5.) 📌 File Management -
The newest and most extensive part of this whole project is our built in File Management section. Not only does the feature include your basic Combo Creator, Geo Sorting, File Searching aspects like most other checkers. But there is something - of course - that others do not.
Our File Work Mode includes features like Fullz Capture &0 Banking Captures. This feature allows users to have the software crawl through the Autofill.txt and other documents to search for various strings based on REGEX commands that will capture FN, LN, Address, CC Info, CVC, Expiration, Bank AN/RN, Security Questions and Answers, PIN Numbers, DL Numbers and more!
Process / 🧠Concept❕:
Each thread that is ran through the software has a unique finger print set in place (or Windows/Android/iOS if you choose) and also applies the proxies. Before each launch the software runs a check on any and all browser leaked information to validate your fraud score being acceptable. This allows you to bypass almost all security features. Working with cookies.... Bypasses any security that isnt dependent on the browser specs.
What makes it different❓:
Unlike your traditional checkers such as BL Tools (Which is backdoored, kills your cookies and gives you false results), Paranoid, ULC, Etc.... They ALL restrict your search and capture criteria, This software DOES NOT

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